The Crop Protection Network (CPN) has developed online quizzes for Certified Crop Advisors (CCAs) to earn continuing education units (CEUs) after reading CPN publications or watching CPN webinars. Each year, CCAs are required to obtain a certain amount of continuing education to maintain certification. This can be accomplished by attending in-person events or using online resources such as this one.
In order to obtain credits, users must download and read CPN publications or watch CPN webinars, which are available on a variety of crop protection topics. After viewing these resources, users can select the corresponding quiz. There are 5-10 questions in each quiz, and participants must correctly answer 70 percent of the questions in order to pass.
After successfully passing a quiz, results are transmitted to the American Society of Agronomy at the end of each month. Each quiz is worth 0.5 CEUs in the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) category.
Crop Protection Network. 2020. CCA Continuing Education Credit Quizzes Webtool.
Image: Frogeye leaf spot of soybean is a common foliar disease, appearing as gray lesions with reddish-brown borders.